Terms & Conditions – Asiana Events

General Events Terms & Conditions

1.1 Definitions
“Exhibitor” refers to the Company, firm or individual indicated herein.
“Exhibition” refers to the event detailed within.
“Organiser” refers to Ahmed Concepts Limited trading as Asiana
“Venue” refers to the venue in the Sales Order form
“Exhibition Manual” refers to the manual when the Exhibition occurs.
“Exhibition Booking Form” refers to the Sales Order form referring to this document.
“Group” is defined as those within the group of the Exhibitor practising within the same area of works as the Exhibitor.
“Company” is defined as within s735 and s736 of the Companies Act 1985 1.2 The following shall also apply: –
1.2.1 References to the singular include the plural and vice versa; and
1.2.2 References to the parties include their successors in title; and
1.2.3 References to persons include individuals, companies, firms, partnerships, government bodies or agencies and corporations sole and aggregate; and
1.2.4 References to the masculine gender include the feminine and the neuter genders and vice versa.

2.1 Duration of Exhibition
The Exhibition opening hours are listed in the Exhibition Manual. During these times, stands must be manned by the Exhibitor’s staff and exhibits must be on display and in good order.

3.1 Application
Application for space must be made on the official Exhibition Booking Form which is subject to these terms and conditions. The Organiser may accept applications by purchase order in writing, or may accept a deposit payment in lieu of written application at their sole discretion, but the Exhibitor agrees on the Organiser’s request to sign the Exhibition Booking Form.
3.2 Reduction
The Exhibitor must notify the Organiser in writing if the Exhibitor wishes to reduce the area of space booked: the Organiser may treat the booking as cancelled if the reduction represents more than half of the original space booked subject to clause
3.2.1. No reduction shall be accepted three months or less before the commencement date of the Exhibition. Except as stated above, the Organiser will accept notification of reductions in space and will charge for the remaining space booked on the basis of the proportion between the space remaining and the total space booked the calculation of such proportion will be at the absolute discretion of the Organiser. In addition the Organiser reserves the right to raise a reduction charge equal to the cancellation charge provided in Condition 3.3 but calculated on the basis of the difference between the space cancelled and total space booked. In accepting a reduction of space, the Organiser may select which part of the space booked is cancelled and which part remains subject to the booking.
3.3 Cancellation
Where an Exhibitor cancels the booking or where an Exhibitor fails to make a payment on the due date (whether or not invoiced), the Organiser reserves the right to cancel or accept cancellation of the booking and to apply the following acting in his absolute discretion cancellation charges: Cancellation/notice received: –
3.3.1 Over six months calendar period prior to the commencement date of the Exhibition: 20% of the total cost.
3.3.2 Over three months calendar period prior to the commencement date of the Exhibition: 50% of the total cost.
3.3.3 Three months calendar period or less prior to the commencement date of the Exhibition: the full balance will be payable.
3.3.4 In any event, deposits are non- refundable.
3.3.5 The organisers reserve the right to resell or allocate Stands/Space that is cancelled or payment for which has not been received by the due dates.
3.4 Non-Occupation
Exhibitors must occupy the whole of their allocated space by show opening time on the first day of the Exhibition. Any Exhibitor failing to do so will be deemed to have cancelled the booking. The Organiser may tender a cancellation charge accordingly and may entirely at their discretion re-allocate the space booked.

4.1 Bankruptcy/Insolvency
If an Exhibitor becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation, receivership or administration or if in the opinion of the Organiser the Exhibitor acting in all reasonableness is insolvent as per s123 and 268 of the Insolvency Act 1986, the Organiser may cancel the booking and Condition 3.3 shall apply as though the Exhibitor had cancelled the booking.

5.1 Prohibition of Transfer
Exhibitors may not assign, sublet or part with or share occupation of the whole or any part of the space allocated to them, with the exception of companies which are in the same Group of Companies as the Exhibitor, which may be present on the stand if they are listed on the Exhibition Booking Form at the time of booking or if the Organiser otherwise agrees in writing.

6.1 Relationship
The relationship between the Organiser and the Exhibitor is a licence relationship and the Exhibitor is not entitled to exclusive possession or occupation of the space booked.
6.2 Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
The parties do not intend that any term of this Agreement should be enforceable by any third party as provided by the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 but any third party right which exists or is available independently of that Act is preserved.

7.1 Exhibitors and Catwalk participants must have their own insurance to cover all their goods/products/clothes at the show. The organisers will not be responsible for loss or damage to any goods, regardless of the circumstances. “All risk” cover will be required to cover outfits/goods delivered to the Organiser and their agents for the catwalk participation. All outfits and other items used in the Fashion Show will be subject to wear and tear, and in some cases, damage may occur due to the nature of the activity. The Exhibitor/Catwalk Participant must have their own insurance to cover the cost of any such damage and agrees that the Organiser and its Agents will not be held responsible under any circumstances.

8.1 Postponement of Exhibition
The Organiser shall notify the Exhibitor if the Exhibition is cancelled or postponed or moved to another venue. If the Exhibition is cancelled due to the fault of the Organiser, the Organiser shall repay to the Exhibitor all payments made by the Exhibitor (other than cancellation or reduction charges) within 28 days free of interest but subject to deduction as referred to below. If the Exhibition is postponed or moved to another venue and in the opinion of the Organiser the new dates or venue are 8.1.1 appropriate for the Exhibition and the Exhibitor, the booking shall remain in force for the new dates and venue with such other changes including a change in the position or a reduction in the size of the stand as may in the reasonable opinion of the Organiser be required, or
8.1.2 not appropriate for the Exhibition or the Exhibitor, the Organiser may cancel the booking and shall repay all monies paid by the Exhibitor for the space so cancelled (less any cancellation or reduction charge) free of interest but subject to reduction as referred to below.
The Organiser may deduct from monies to be repaid under this sub-clause a proportion of sums paid by the Exhibitor, as the Organiser may, in its discretion, consider necessary to cover its cost in relation to the Exhibition. Except as provided above, the Organiser shall have no further liability.
8.2 Both parities will be released from their respective obligations in the event of national emergency, war, fire, flood, lock-out, earthquake, insurrection, strikes or if any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the parties or either of them renders the performance of the agreement impossible. In that event all monies due under this agreement must be paid immediately.

9.1 Public Liability
Although all reasonable precautions will be taken, the Organiser is not responsible for the safety of any exhibit or other property of the Exhibitor or other person, for the loss, damage or destruction by any cause of any property or the death or injury sustained by an Exhibitor or any other person unless such death or injury arises from the negligence of the Organiser, its agents or servants. The Exhibitor hereby accepts liability for all acts or omissions by himself, his servants, contractors, agents and visitors and undertakes to indemnify the Organiser and keep it indemnified against all liability in respect thereof and against all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands costs and expenses whatsoever which may be taken or made against the Organiser or incurred or become payable by it arising therefrom or in respect thereof, including any claims arising out of the supply by the Exhibitors samples of any kind whatsoever, whether such samples be sold (for money or money’s worth) or given away free, and including any legal costs and disbursements (on an indemnity basis). The Exhibitor shall take out and maintain insurance with a reputable insurance company and with a level and extent of cover approved by the Organiser (including, without limitation, normal product and public liability and employee liability insurance) and shall on demand produce to the Organiser a copy of the policy and evidence that it is in force and the insurers are not entitled to exercise subrogation rights against the Organiser. Notwithstanding anything herein contained, in no circumstances shall the liability of the Organiser to the Exhibitor hereunder or otherwise arising out of or in connection with the Exhibition, and whether in contract, in tort or otherwise, exceed the total stand cost paid by the Exhibitor hereunder.
9.2 Dangerous Materials
The Exhibitor may not bring into the Exhibition (and shall not permit any other person to bring into the Exhibition) any explosives, detonating or fulminating compounds primings, fireworks, matches and similar objects can only be exhibited in the form of imitations and on condition that they contain no inflammable matter. Only goods described at the time of application may be displayed on stands and, on request by the Organiser, the Exhibitor shall forthwith remove from the Exhibition any goods not approved by the Organiser.
9.3 Fire Precautions
All materials used for building, decorating or covering stands must be of non-flammable material. Exhibitors must comply with any reasonable instruction given by the owner of the Venue, the Organiser or the authorities to avoid risk of fire. Gangways, access-ways and fire exits must at all times be kept clear and free for passage and must not be littered by the Exhibitor.
9.4 Erection of Stands, Exhibits and Clearance
The Organisers will use all reasonable endeavours to provide Schedules for building up and breaking down or the Exhibition. No article or exhibit shall be brought into the Exhibition after build up has been completed and no article or exhibit shall be removed during the Exhibition without written permission of the Organiser. The Exhibitor may be permitted to appoint a contractor for interior work to the shell scheme or to build their own stand, subject to the Organiser being notified of the appointment in writing and on the basis that the Organiser be, provided with full plans of the stand and giving its written consent. The Organiser reserves the right to disapprove of any contractor or any worker engaged by such contractor, whereupon such contractor shall not be permitted access to the Venue. A dimensioned drawing and full details of the Organiser’s shell scheme stand will be provided to each Exhibitor who orders a shell scheme. No Exhibitor will be permitted to erect or display goods in such a manner as, in the opinion of the Organiser, obstructs the light or impedes the view along open spaces of gangways or occasions inconvenience or otherwise affects the display of other Exhibitors. All Exhibitors’ contractors must be approved by the Organisers in writing. The Exhibitor shall ensure that all exhibits and demonstrations provided by the Exhibitor shall be appropriate to the scope and objects of the Exhibition as set out in the Exhibition literature. The Exhibitor shall immediately remove any exhibit or discontinue any demonstration to which the Organiser objects.
The Exhibitor undertakes to clear away all exhibits and to ensure all items originating from or forming part of his stand are cleared away along with other rubbish and items by the scheduled time indicated in the Exhibition Manual and to indemnify the Organiser against all costs and liabilities incurred by it by any reason or breach of this sub-clause.
9.5 Height of Stands
The normal height limit on display spaces or other items is 2.5 metres. Any Exhibitor wishing to construct a display of over 2.5 metres must submit in writing a proposal plan for approval by the Organisers and obtain written approval.
9.6 Cleaning
The Organisers will provide a cleaning service at no extra cost to the Exhibitor. The Exhibitor is required to place all rubbish from his stand accessible for the cleaners each evening but not so placed to block gangways, fire escapes or access-routes. The Exhibitor shall be responsible to see that his stand is clean and in good order at all times. In the event that the Exhibitor fails to do this to the satisfaction of the Organiser, the Organiser may, at the Exhibitor’s expense, clean and tidy the Exhibitor’s stand.
9.7 Electrical Installation South and Visual Aid Equipment
All electrical installation must be undertaken by the official electrical contractor as listed in the Exhibition Manual and the Exhibitor will be responsible for settling accounts direct with the contractor.
No electrical work may be carried out without the prior written approval of the Organiser and no device will be permitted if in the opinion of the Organiser it may become a nuisance to other exhibitors or visitors. The Exhibitor shall not use sound amplification equipment unless the sound is contained within the area of the space allotted to him. The Exhibitor shall ensure that any visual aid equipment for his stand shall also be sited so that intending viewers congregate within the limits of the Exhibitor’s stand. The Exhibitor shall ensure that no leads connected to any device shall be taken outside the limits of the Exhibitor’s allotted space and that all leads are properly secured.

10.1 Admissions and Passes
The Exhibitor shall ensure that any non-transferable passes supplied to admit the Exhibitor and his workmen and mechanics are presented on request. If such a ticket is transferred or otherwise dispensed of it will become immediately void and forfeited and no further ticket will be issued. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse admission to any person or persons to the Exhibition without giving any reason and to expel any person whose conduct or presence in the opinion of the Organiser renders such action desirable.

11.1 Rules and Regulations
The Exhibitor undertakes to abide by the Rules and Regulations given in the Exhibition Manual pertaining to the Exhibition Venue listed overleaf and in any further manual or documentation for the Exhibition issued by the Organisers. No alteration or waiver of the Rules and Regulations contained in the Exhibition Manual may be made without the prior written agreement of the Organiser. The Exhibition Manual forms part of and is deemed to be incorporated in these Terms and Conditions.
The Organiser may make such other rules and regulations governing the letting of stands and control and conduct of exhibitors as it may in its absolute discretion from time to time think fit.

12.1 Breach
If the Exhibitor commits any breach of his obligations under this agreement or under the Exhibition Manual the organiser may without prejudice to the other rights of the Organiser require the Exhibitor to vacate the Exhibition immediately and shall thereupon be entitled, at the Exhibitor’s expense, to remove the Exhibitor’s material and personnel from the Exhibition and Venue.

13.1 Notices
Any notice, consent or approval under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be treated as properly served if delivered at the address for service of the recipient given overleaf or such other address as may be notified by the Organiser for the purpose by first class post, or if sent by recorded delivery or registered post to such address. Any such document sent by post shall be deemed to have been served 24 hours after posting unless it shall be deemed to have been tendered to this intended recipient.

14.1 Law and Jurisdiction
This Contract is governed by English law and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

15.1 Amendment of Terms and Conditions
The Organiser reserves the right to add to, or amend any of these Terms and Conditions. Should any questions arise, whether provided for in these conditions, or not, the decision of the Organiser shall be final.